Miguel Lourenço e Silva

Miguel Lourenço e Silva joined VdA in 2016. He is a senior associate at the Litigation & Arbitration practice area focusing on civil and commercial litigation and national and international arbitration. Miguel is primarily involved in court and arbitration proceedings, representing clients from many different industries, such as banking, energy, construction, infrastructure, manufacture, sports, security, and real estate, to name a few.

Law degree – Universidade Católica Portuguesa Law School.

Master’s degree in Business Law - Universidade Católica Portuguesa Law School. Completed the Research-Oriented Master’s program with a dissertation entitled “Das Alterações Qualitativas e Quantitativas Decorrentes da Fusão de Sociedades – Revisitando a Dimensão Jurídica de um Fenómeno de Matriz Socioeconómica” [Qualitative and Quantitative Changes resulting from Company Mergers - Revisiting the Legal Dimension of a Socio-economic Phenomenon].

Completed the Curso de Prova em Processo Civil | Uma Perspectiva Teórico-Prática [Course on Evidence in Civil Procedure | A Theoretical-Practical Perspective] – Universidade Nova de Lisboa Law School.

Post-graduate studies in Arbitration - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Law School.

Miguel has co-authored several books and articles, including:

  • Confidencialidade Fora de Pista: Consentimento e Renúncia a Garantias Jurisdicionais na Arbitragem à luz do Caso Pechstein [Confidentiality Off Track: Consent and Waiver of Jurisdictional Guarantees in Arbitration considering the Pechstein Case] (co-authored), published in Cordeiro, António Menezes (coord.), Arbitragem Comercial, Almedina, Coimbra, 2019
  • ANÁLISE DE JURISPRUDÊNCIA: ACESSO AO TRIBUNAL ARBITRAL DO DESPORTO PARA ‘LITÍGIOS DESPORTIVOS DO FORO PRIVADO’? [Case-law Analysis: Access to the Court of Arbitration for Sport for “Private-law Sports Litigation'?] (co-authored), published in Meirim, José Manuel (coord.), Revista de Direito do Desporto, no. 5, May-August 2020
  • “Arbitragem Societária: O Problema do Consentimento” [Corporate Arbitration: The Problem of Consent] in Mariana França Gouveia et. al (coord.) Yearbook of the ADR LAB, Year 3 (January 2022), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2022

Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association.

Admitted to the Timor-Leste Bar Association.

Member of the Comissão CAC Futuro [Future CAC Committee] of the Center for Commercial Arbitration of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

English, French.

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